Saturday, May 7, 2011

Honey Wheat Ale

Alright, so here's my first shot at blogging an entire recipe and the brew process.  I scoured the internet to get different ideas for a Honey Wheat ale, picked a few different ideas, and settled on this...

7.5 lbs Wheat Malt Extract
1 lb Clover Honey
2 oz Amarillo Hops
1 oz Cascade Hops
Safale US-05 yeast
Whirfloc Tablet
3/4 cup - 1 cup of corn sugar for bottling

Hop Schedule:
60 min - 1 oz Cascade
30 min - 1 oz Amarillo
15 min - Whirfloc Tablet
10 min - add Clover Honey
5 min - 1 oz Amarillo

let temp drop to 78 degrees and pitch yeast.  Since I just brewed the beer this evening I'll update later with the days I let the beer ferment in the primary and secondary fermenters.

The ingredients are nicely displayed prior to the brewing process...

After the extract was added and the first hop addition...

The beer brewing process is complete, the wort chiller is connected and we're chilling the wort...

Yeast is pitched and now we wait, should be 3-4 days in the primary, another 2 weeks in the secondary, then two weeks in bottles... this should be drinkable mid-June, just in time for summer!
The beer sat in the primary fermenter for 5 days before I racked it to the secondary.  I'm thinking I'll leave it in the secondary for 10-14 days and then bottle.  Since this is my first attempt at brewing a honey beer, I chose to bottle it, rather than keg. Below is the honey wheat in the secondary and in the foreground is the black IPA sitting in another secondary.

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